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  • David Robinson

    Published: 3 October 2017

    In the 26+ years that I’ve been doing marine archaeology, 15 of which have involved working periodically with Jeff, I have found him to be one of the best geophysical surveyors I have ever worked with. The breadth and depth of Jeff’s professional knowledge and experience, his attention to every detail, his commitment to excellence in producing high quality data and technical reports, and his ability to accomplish large and logistically challenging offshore surveys as a high valued member of a project team, while meeting demanding client schedules, are simply unparalleled.

  • William Gardner

    Published: 31 July 2017

    I have been in the underground construction industry namely pipeline and cable installation in excess of 30 years.  Since the 1990’s I have had an opportunity to work with Jeff on multiple projects, either river crossings or the shore end of beach landings involving the HDD installation of pipe or cable conduits.  Jeff’s professionalism and attention to detail not only was refreshing (compared to the norm in our industry) but was highly effective in allowing us to have a successful project. While Jeff’s knowledge of seismic investigations and geology is without peer, what also makes him successful is his ability to communicate and coordinate his work with the client and the contractor. I look forward to our paths crossing again on future projects.

  • Bill Wenger

    Published: 12 July 2017

    I have had the pleasure of knowing Jeff Gardner for at least 25 years.  During that time we have had multiple occasions to work together and the positive value of his services has been consistent and an important contribution to each project. My interactions with him on either a professional or personal level have always been a most beneficial experience. I would recommend Jeff in the highest manner possible in support of any marine geological, geophysical, or geotechnical endeavor.

  • Brayton Pointner

    Published: 12 July 2017

    Jeff is a true professional. From desktop studies to deliverables and everything in between, Jeff applies his vast experience to ensuring that everyone he comes in contact with has what they need for a successful project. Whether at dinner with a client or recovering equipment in the rain on the back of a boat, Jeff always has a great attitude. He is a pleasure to work with, and is at the top of my list of people that I recommend.

  • Ronnie Gourgeot

    Published: 12 July 2017

    Jeff’s knowledge and expertise associated with remote sensing geophysical surveys are only surpassed by his tenacity to get the job done.  Jeff is professional, comprehensive and a pleasure to work with from start to finish throughout route selection, data gathering, processing and reporting associated with bathymetric, subbottom, side scan and magnetometer surveys.  He has a fundamental understanding of the broad range of technical requirements associated with SHPOs, cultural targets, obstructions, as well as soil classifications and geotechnical issues that are required to satisfy the plethora of federal and state regulators throughout the permitting, construction and as-builting of offshore pipeline projects, regardless of size and location.

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“With Jeff leading your project survey team, you can rest assured that the survey will be done right, on schedule, and within your budget.”

Dave Robinson, Owner & Marine Archaeologist, David S. Robinson & Associates