Top notch professional support for your company’s next business adventure
Top notch professional support for your company’s next business adventure
“I would recommend Jeff and his team in the highest manner possible in support of any marine geological, geophysical, or geotechnical endeavor.”
Copenhagen Offshore Partners and Vineyard Wind/Vineyard Offshore
Iberdrola and Avangrid Renewables
RWE Renewables, Canopy Offshore Wind Project
Steelhead-Vestas, Cajun Wind Project
Deepwater Wind, Block Island Wind Farm
Dominion Energy
MMT/Ocean Infinity Sweden AB
University of Maine, Aqua Ventus I Project
Cape Wind Associates
Epsilon Associates
Wood Thilsted
Stantec / ERM / HDR / SWCA / ICF
ST Hudson Engineers / Geodynamics / Sulmara
RC Goodwin / Gray & Pape / SEARCH
Project Consulting Services
Shipwreck image courtesy of Tiburon Subsea